Vellum Unifies Support Across Slack Connect and In-App Chat


Vellum is a product development platform for AI. Since they went through Y Combinator, they've taken off and have been featured in TechCrunch and at Google I/O where they were given a shoutout from Google on the main stage.

Since they sell a developer product, their customers love getting support over Slack Connect. So they offer shared Slack channels to all of their customers.

They also knew they wanted to offer an In-App Chat Experience to their customers.


As they began to grow they quickly ran into many scaling pains, more specifically:

  1. No unified place to track customer issues. Their customer conversations were spread across hundreds of Slack channels.

  2. Lack of the basic support tooling. They had no way to assign issues or get alerts for issues that had passed an SLA.

  3. No metrics. They didn’t know how many issues were being created, who was answering them, first response times, and resolution times.

  4. They wanted to add a chat widget into their product but were afraid that would cause bifurcation of their Slack support. They were considering Intercom but then they would need to track customer issues in two separate places.

  5. Sending product updates. Every time they wanted to send product updates to customers they had to go into every channel and post the same message over and over.

Vellum was able to solve all of these problems thanks to the help of Pylon.


Vellum's customer-facing team members now operate completely out of Pylon and they have complete unification across their Slack Connect Channels and In-App Chat messages.

They can create views that allow them to track specific issues for categories of customers (e.g. Prospects vs Customers).

They can now assign issues and get alerts for issues that have passed their first response and resolution SLAs.

They now have complete metrics on issue volume, response, and resolution time.

They can send product update broadcasts to hundreds of channels at a time and track the engagement data on the broadcasts.

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